Committed to tculinary delights...
The Kaiserhof is a place of warm hospitality. Clulinary delights and enjoyment are very imporant to us. Our award winning chef Ernst Köstenbaumer celebrates cooking at the hightest level. He is a master of translating traditional Austrian cuisine into a contemporary form. Using the best regional and seasonal products - also from the hotel's own garden - he and his team conjure up multiple-faceted taste experiences. Wheter on the sunny terrace or in the rustic Zirbenstüberl - enjoy the culinary time out in the Kaiserhof restaurant, we will be happy to spoil you!
Breakfast buffet from 07:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Menu of the day from 06:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.
According to the season we serve a 5-course-menu in winter and a 3-course-menu in the summer season.